Product Highlights
Axial Lead Diodes
Our XOE diodes have been developed to deliver the most optimised diode possible for high...
Intelligent, Modular Low Voltage Power Supplies
The CoolX® modular power supplies provides up to 1800 W in a compact design. The fanless...
High Voltage Solid State Switch
We offer high voltage solid-state switches for voltages up to 200 kV in single switch...
High Voltage Capacitor Stacks
Our new line of stacked ceramic disc capacitors, with three different terminal types range from...
Silicon Carbide Varistors
Our silicon carbide suppressor discs and assemblies are suitable for protecting components from AC & DC voltage spikes...
High Voltage Probes
High voltage measurements have a variety of different requirements, and our PVM series and VD...
RF Plasma Generators
Choose from a broad range of RF plasma generators and access unique features for configuration...
Marx Generators
We focus on high-power and high-voltage pulse generators in low inductance configurations for faster rise times...
High Voltage Quick Connectors
Our quick connectors are based on a unique design which offers maximum flexiblity and safety at the same time….
Digital High Voltage Power Supply
The SPS Series use patented technology to provide unprecedented flexibility in performance, features and system...
Klystron Modulator
Primarily key components of high-power particle accelerators, their world-leading performance makes K-Series...
High Voltage Amplifier
High-voltage amplifiers with a choice of voltage andriety of demanding applications. Many an automatic...
Daytime Corona Discharge Cameras
Detection of significant corona discharge activity and identification of defective insulators in order to replace...
Axial Lead Diodes
Our XOE diodes have been developed to deliver the most optimised diode possible for high...
Intelligent, Modular Low Voltage Power Supplies
The CoolX® modular power supplies provides up to 1800 W in a compact design. The fanless...
High Voltage Solid State Switch
We offer high voltage solid-state switches for voltages up to 200 kV in single switch...
High Voltage Capacitor Stacks
Our new line of stacked ceramic disc capacitors, with three different terminal types range from...
Silicon Carbide Varistors
Our silicon carbide suppressor discs and assemblies are suitable for protecting components from AC & DC voltage spikes...
High Voltage Probes
High voltage measurements have a variety of different requirements, and our PVM series and VD...
RF Plasma Generators
Choose from a broad range of RF plasma generators and access unique features for configuration...
Marx Generators
We focus on high-power and high-voltage pulse generators in low inductance configurations for faster rise times...
High Voltage Quick Connectors
Our quick connectors are based on a unique design which offers maximum flexiblity and safety at the same time….
Digital High Voltage Power Supply
The SPS Series use patented technology to provide unprecedented flexibility in performance, features and system...
Klystron Modulator
Primarily key components of high-power particle accelerators, their world-leading performance makes K-Series...
High Voltage Amplifier
High-voltage amplifiers with a choice of voltage andriety of demanding applications. Many an automatic...
Daytime Corona Discharge Cameras
Detection of significant corona discharge activity and identification of defective insulators in order to replace...
Axial Lead Diodes
Our XOE diodes have been developed to deliver the most optimised diode possible for high...
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Telephone: + 49 (0) 89 / 864 66 77 – 0,
Fax: + 49 (0) 89 / 864 66 77 – 99,